On 8 February 2021, the Minister of Labour and Employment passed new regulations increasing the earnings threshold from R205 433.30 per annum to R211 596.30. The new threshold […]
By submitting your Training Skills Plans to the SETAs, levy paying companies are able to claim up to 20% of the paid Skills Development Levies from […]
It seems that the Department of Labour is not going to extend the Temporary Employee Relief Scheme (TERS), beyond June 2020, although many companies are not […]
TERS Regulations The TERS regulations were amended on 16 April 2020. Essentially they have recognised that many employers have allowed employees to take annual leave during […]
The Department of Labour has amended the regulations with regard to the TERS Fund. The amendments have clarified the following: Eligible companies can include those who […]
The Department of Employment and Labour has made money available to companies who are experiencing difficulty paying staff as a consequence of COVID-19. They will also […]