2020-03-18COVID-19 Lockdown
2020-04-03The Department of Employment and Labour has made money available to companies who are experiencing difficulty paying staff as a consequence of COVID-19. They will also pay benefits to employees who are ill as a consequence of COVID-19. To streamline the process they will sign an MOA with the company and once information has been provided they will pay the company who can then reimburse the employees.
Unfortunately, the benefits remain the same, i.e. The salary benefits will be capped to a maximum amount of R17 712, 00 per month, per employee and an employee will be paid in terms of the income replacement rate sliding scale (38 % -60 %). They have said that there will be a minimum amount of R3500-00 which is the current minimum salary. This means that anyone earning above R17 712-00 will only be reimbursed at R6 730.56.
If you would like us to assist with the claiming process please contact the consultant you normally deal with or contact Debbie Mason here.